I started sewing when I was 6. I'd get on the sewing machine when my mom and my older sister (who was in
4-H) were finished, and I'd make tiny pockets and bean bags. When I was 8 I started 4-H as well, and when I was 9 I was chosen to go to the state fair in my division. The blouse was a hideous thing - paisley with a lace-edged collar - but I was so proud of myself. Especially because Mom's sewing machine broke halfway through making it, and my sister and I had to share the ancient one she kept in a closet most of the time. Nowadays I'm not much of a pattern person, but I do like re-tooling things. For instance, I made a strapless dress out of the skirt of a size 4XL dress I got for $2 at a salvage store. And now that's all much easier because I have this:
I don't generally ask for much for my birthday now that I'm an adult, but I had a lot of free time this past year and wanted a sewing machine. My mom ended up getting me the exact one I'd looked at in the store, and I love it. I don't know what to do with myself now that I have a sewing machine that doesn't eat silky fabrics. My sewing space may not be ideal (you can't see it, but there's a full column of drawers there - I can't put my legs under and get close), but it's mine, and it works. That came in handy today.
I was supposed to have 4 friends over today to play games and hang out. A couple couldn't make it, so we were down to just my fiance and one other friend. Due to weather and health issues, neither of them ended up being able to come out. So I sewed. I didn't make anything fancy, and I certainly didn't start with a pattern (after all, I find them hard to work with even when I'm not sick), but I did something. I don't know why, but I always feel more accomplished when I've worked with my hands. Sewing, cooking, cleaning, manual labor. And I'm glad I got to get some in today.